Friday, May 8, 2009

Thing 38: Screencasting

I didn't have any idea what screencasting was before starting this Thing. If we did online tutorials at our library - this would be perfect. Right now, we just offer regular computer classes, but we'll have to keep this option in our minds in the future. One small thing - if we were to have them, someone else would have to do it. I have a bad habit of highlighting whatever I'm reading on the screen. People can always tell when I was the last one on any of our staff computers because whole paragraphs will be blue. :)

I watched a few different tutorials. The screencast-o-matic seemed pretty simple, but I didn't like the red dot. Jing's tutorial was entertaining, but the product itself seemed harder. I couldn't watch more than a minute of the skitch tutorial. Wow - that was a lot of pink.

I decided to try screencast-o-matic and it was easy! I didn't know what to use as an example for my screencast, so I just signed into my blog and went into the Edit Post option. I think it worked. And I think I embedded it into my blog correctly. (crosses fingers)