Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thing 39: Digital Storytelling

Let me first say that I don't like scrapbooking. It takes a lot of time and if I wanted to save pictures, I'd just put them in a photo album. For this thing, I decided to try It seemed very pink which again made me a little nervous. Now, I realize scrapbooking is "girly" but couldn't they have tried to pick a more gender neutral color? Especially if they're going to call it digital storytelling?

That's getting off the point. After I got over the pinkness it seemed generally simple to use. I would've liked more "themes" to choose from but again, that's just me. As I was thinking of different applications to use digital scrapbooks, I thought of the fact that my youngest brother is graduating high school this spring. He was also the only senior on the swim team. During this past year, my mother has had to make so many different "books" for the team. For the banquet. For the parents. And now for his graduation. I stole some pictures of him off my mother's Facebook page (Yes, my mother has facebook) and tried to put together a page.

Most of them worked ok, but a few of them were really blurry when I tried to put them into the template. They were originally bigger and clearer, so I don't really know what happened there. When I was finished I noticed that scrapblog has an automatic publishing feature that will put it on your blog for you. I hit that button and wham! It worked!